About Us Here at Lttlgrdns


Lttlgrdns is a small company starting out with a nursery to sell heirloom seeds and plants, and also a place near Lake Pepin (Laura Ingells Wilder's home). The company was inspired by my family. We grew many vegetables in a very short growing season when I was growing up. It as an endless content fascination, the complexity of shapes and colors, the pollinator visitors, and even the people who drove to see our garden and ask questions to learn how to do something or share recipes. There were many Saturday morning that I woke up and would find someone in the yard talking to my Mom or Dad about what was growing in our garden and wanting to learn how to do that also. Some people even wanted us to grow vegetables and plants for them but often my Mom and Dad did not have the time or capacity to do that. It was, for me, the best potential a "place" could have, to offer both creativity and fascination so freely and openly. That is the inspiration behind Lttlgrdns.

Our goal is to build an online marketplace for farmers and gardeners to find heirloom and organic seeds in small batches so they can try growing them. The reason for this is that the more heirlooms that are planted, the more potential their is to find plants that thrive in different climates and are also really good to eat.

We are also exploring how to invent technologies that could help in this aim with a goal where every neighborhood could help each other with growing vegetables and food to share with each other. To turn lawns into gardens given the heat dangers, and to contribute to the overall tastiness of every family's dinner without it being expensive.

Our seed packets cost less than a cup of coffee, and we offer small batches so everyone can try to grow something they have never heard of before (or even keep growing what they like). The seeds are heirlooms, grown-organically, untreated with chemicals and open pollinated. This means, you can grow these plants and save the seeds year after year (as long as they are not cross pollinating in your garden).